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Welcome to St Bede’s College Admissions and thank you for your interest in our College. The aim of our department is to assist you at every stage of the Admissions process. We hope you will find much of the information that you need on these pages but if you have questions at any stage, do please contact us.
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5 señales que tu hijo está listo para dejar el pañal
Cuando buscamos una institución para la educación y formación de los hijos, no solo tenemos grandes expectativas a corto o mediano plazo, sino que también pensamos en las oportunidades que pueden llegar a tener nuestros hijos de cara a su futuro profesional.
Desarrollo de habilidades socioemocionales
Cuando buscamos una institución para la educación y formación de los hijos, no solo tenemos grandes expectativas a corto o mediano plazo, sino que también pensamos en las oportunidades que pueden llegar a tener nuestros hijos de cara a su futuro profesional.
5 formas de tener buen trato en el transporte escolar
Cuando buscamos una institución para la educación y formación de los hijos, no solo tenemos grandes expectativas a corto o mediano plazo, sino que también pensamos en las oportunidades que pueden llegar a tener nuestros hijos de cara a su futuro profesional.
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Very much part of the Pre-Prep, the Nursery has a warm, happy and stimulating environment. It provides three and four year-olds with a varied, child-centred introduction to education. Children may join the Nursery class in the September following their third birthday. Registration is required in order to secure an invitation to our Nursery taster events.
Contact admissions@stbedescollege.co.uk
or call 0161 226 3323
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Independent Schools Inspectorate Report, 2019
Video Gallery Content – The Place to Be
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1 Video Vimeo con titulo
1 Video Vimeo con titulo
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The Prep provides children with a happy and caring community in which to grow and learn. Curiosity thrives in a vibrant and forward thinking co-educational environment. Children may enter our reception class from their fourth birthday, which should fall on or before 31 August in their year of entry.
Entry into Years 1 to 6 is also possible, dependent on availability. Registration will enable an invitation for assessment into these year groups.
Contact admissions@stbedescollege.co.uk
or call 0161 226 3323
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Independent Schools Inspectorate Report, 2019
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Welcome to our website which we hope will give you a flavour of what life is like at St. Bede’s College. St Bede’s was founded in 1876 by Cardinal Vaughan, who at that time was Bishop of Salford. We are incredibly proud of our deep-rooted Catholic faith and we are equally proud of the College we have become; a wonderfully diverse, multi-cultural, multi-faith school family.
On entering the main corridor our visitors often comment on the atmosphere as there is a special buzz as everyone is engaged in their daily routine. Our pupils have a wealth of talents and there are many opportunities for these to be developed in the classroom and beyond. Sport, drama, music, school visits and the co-curricular provision are often topics of discussion amongst our pupils.
Mrs Sandra Pike, Headteacher
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St Bede’s is a Catholic HMC Independent College for boys and girls aged 3-18. We are passionate about providing an education where every pupil is known and valued in a family environment
Please click here for our latest Coronavirus – COVID-19 updates
Please click here for Guidance for Pupils and Parents/Guardians during the Outbreak
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