During our English lessons, students were able to recognize situations that affected their emotions during the lockdown, they watched short films that promoted the development of some resilience skills. They could answer the question: “What is resilience and how can I be resilient when….” Students represented a picture which meant resilience for them and shared their ideas in class.
Finally, and in teams, they recorded a public service announcement related to covid-19 that highlighted how to be resilient at home, during online learning, and with themselves. It was an amazing experience because they could identify their own emotions and be able to increase positive emotions on a daily basis so as to use their own strengths and be more resilient each day and in any situation.
Las estudiantes de séptimo EGB realizaron una investigación sobre los virus, su estructura, los efectos que causan en los seres humanos y como evitar su contagio; a la vez que escogieron un virus en particular y lo modelaron con diferentes materiales como plastilina. Realizaron una presentación oral explicando las características específicas de ese virus.
Una vez que aprendieron sobre el COVID 19, los ciclos reproductivos de los virus y su tratamiento, crearon en grupos unas infografías proponiendo consejos para desarrollar resiliencia en los adolescentes.