Our students did it again!
On Thursday, May 10th the National EF Challenge took place at Condado Club. Twenty participants from all around Ecuador presented their speeches answering the question posed by EF, What does sustainable development mean? All the participants were brilliant and the judges had a difficult time choosing the winner. First and second places were in a tight competition but, in the end, Ariana Barreiro from Colegio Americano was awarded first place. However to our delight, our student María Paula Torres, who won second place, was also invited to go to New York to attend the EF Youth Leadership Forum in August. Third place went to Pablo Guillén from Colegio Auzubel, Cuenca. We congratulate both our students, María Paula Torres and Julieta Cedeño, on their amazing performances. We should also congratulate all the English teachers for their collective work with our students.
National EF Challenge